e-Bridge Travel Technology

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Frequently Asked Questions


e-Bridge Cloud is a secure Cloud hosted solution which allows a booking engine to be directly connected to the reservation database located on your web server providing true availability and adding reservations immediately after a booking is made. 
Direct booking into inventory eBridge
Live connect to RMS (Front Office) eBridge
Process immediate payment from customer eBridge
Scaling Prepaid transaction fees eBridge
Real time online booking engine eBridge
Commission free B2C consolidation website eBridge
Allows business to business collaboration eBridge
Package Rate Set Up eBridge
Customised Invoice eBridge
Advance Reporting Tools eBridge
All in 1 solution eBridge
Easy installation eBridge
SSL Secured Transactions eBridge
We currently have providers for the top 6 OTAs : Agoda, Expedia, Traveloka, Ctrip and Booking.com as well as AirBnB iCal.

As such, there are around 40 affiliates in the OTA network.

We can add other non-connected providers on request.
e-Bridge Cloud is designed to be a Do It Yourself (DIY) solution. So the e-Bridge Cloud software will be installed onto your website. A valid domain name with secure website hosting (https) is required for the website to operate. If you have a website already, you would be able to link the booking engine which can be loaded onto your existing webpage and will work with most content management systems. If you have a Facebook page, the booking engine can be loaded onto your existing page as well. SSL is required for the online booking engine and Facebook web application. We can organise hosting for you, or this can be done through providers such as whois.com or hostmonster.com Providers must be able to support static IP and SSL certificates and the SouceGuardian PHP module.

If you have multiple properties or businesses hosted on the same site you may also secure a * (star) certificate to support subdomains such as *.e-bridgedirect.com
Yes. Any provider that supports the SSL over Apache PHP and MySQL and PHP with SourceGuardian. This can be windows (WAMP) or Linux (LAMP) configuration. Cpanel is also natively supported by the installer.
It is to protect our sourcecode and license protected information for the OTAs including Booking.com, Traveloka, Ctrip, Expedia and Agoda. As well as the proprietary information provided by our other payment platform and hardware partners.
Only the open-source component. All the rest is protected in line with the agreements of our connected channels.
Code is protected and licensed. You cannot decrypt it would breach license Source guardian is encrypted not just encoded like other protection methods. Breach of this license would mean immediate termination of license and disconnection to OTAs using the software.

The program code is not available to our client to read / troubleshoot, even when paying the license fee.
e-Novate Pte Ltd has signed contracts and non-disclosure agreements with many 3rd party providers, so this code can never be made opensource.
Follow the step-by-step guide on our Youtube channel. Be sure to subscribe and hit the like button.
If you feel that you may need some assistance in setting up OTA Hotel Management
please e-mail us at sales@e-novate.asia. For a small Fee e-Novate can perform the installation for you.
We welcome all opportunities to enhance our product., and endeavour to do them as soon as practical. If the request is usable by all customers then the customisation work is free. If bespoke and not to give to anyone else then we charge based on work to do. (i.e. If another hotel wants extra cash drawer and POS functions. We would add this for free. This would be available to you as part of the next general release.)

Database is open to you. Any new hotel modules also get released to you too.
The database is stored in the cloud. So if high availability is required then a DR cloud configuration may be considered, or hosting the database locally to your hotel.
Many DR configurations are possible. The DR configuration really depends on how you want to do it and how much to spend. 3rd Party tools exist to backup databases and mirror databases to locations. Special considerations need to be made when using One Time Passwords as the license and database keys are node locked.
To support our open-source efforts, only community support is provided for open-source. Please log requests on the discussion areas for the product downloaded on www.sourceforge.net.

Videos are available on our Youtube channel eNovateAsia.


The e-Bridge Cloud cost is per module.
OTA Hotel Management starts from USD170 a year for the 0-5 rooms and cost increases by room count to a maximum annual charge of USD 1500 per property.

OTA Tour Management starts from USD300 for the first 5 packages then USD50 for addtional packages to a maximum annual charge of USD 750 per company.

OTA Vehicle Management starts from USD170 a year for the 0-5 vehicles and cost increases by room count to a maximum annual charge of USD 1500 per company.

OTA Golf Management is USD500 per 9 holes.

There are no transaction costs for e-Bridge Cloud, payment gateway charges are excluded. Fees and charges levied by online payment gateways are subject to agreement between gateway supplier and company involved the e-Bridge Cloud only facilitates the transaction.

Payment Terms: Upfront payment of desired module. (4 modules available: Hotel, Tour, Golf, Vehicle).
Discounts are available with multiple module purchase.
• All application components for hotel.
• Reporting
• Facebook Web Application or OBE
• Housekeeping
• Door key
• All updates and upgrades during the valid period of the license. On license expiry system will revert to limited “Free” mode, limiting functionality.
There are no sign up fees. Upon successful registration, pay for the software license, download, install, configure and use. The e-Bridge Cloud is designed to be a Do It Yourself (DIY) solution. If you require assistance, we offer a one time installation service for USD 200, this excludes cost of hosting and SSL certificate.
Fill in the registration form after you click the "Buy" button. Software can be immediately purchased and activated.

If you start with the Free version, then log into the e-Bridgedirect website using the account and password previously issued and purchase the desired license.

The e-Bridge online booking engine is connected directly to the payment gateway of your choice so payments are received by you.
For OTAs and traditional agents the payments are collected directly by either the agents or the suppliers (based on their agreements) or by you at time of checkin.
It is always recommended to use a payment gateway to facilitate payment processing securely. For those companies that have "Card Not Present" functionality on their point of sale machine, e-Bridge Cloud can be configured to accept credit card numbers. The e-Bridge Cloud hosting webserver must be configured using a valid Secured Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to secure the transaction. Credit card data is securely stored using RSA 2048/AES 256 bit encryption inside the RMS. As soon as the credit card authorisation is processed and enter in the RMS, the Credit Card details are permanently masked leaving only the detail required for reconciliation purposes.
It is always recommended to use a payment gateway to facilitate payment processing securely. For those companies that prefer to accept cash on arrival, the system can be configured to accept cash payments. It should be noted there are risks for false reservations that cannot be mitigated when choosing this option.
12 months from the time of purchase.
MOLPay, DragonPay, PayPal, AsiaPay, Authorize.Net and more. More solutions available on request.
Yes. The OTA Hotel Management in the e-Bridge Cloud handles the room allocation and bookings from such channels.


For sales inquiries and bulk pricing, contact us via e-mail at sales@e-novate.asia.
For e-Bridge Cloud support for free and full versions support@e-novate.asia. Please be sure to include information on version and operating system and e-Bridge ID if available.

For general how-to support inquiries, please see our YouTube channel, e-Novate Asia.
Help includes: Click our Youtube channel for more help videos.