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How much does the e-Bridge Cost?What is the difference between First Purchase and Basic Top Up?How many tokens does my business need?How is my website hosted?Is there a sign up or set-up fee?Does e-Novate store my transaction history?Who collects the transaction payments?How is e-Bridge charged?What is the expiration period of the top-up credit?How is the mark up procedure being done?What payment gateways are currently accepted?How does e-Bridge work with existing channel managements systems?Can contract rates be published from the supplier to the agent and be auto-stored in the e-XO?Do I get my credit back if the booking is cancelled?Where do I purchase additional transaction credit packs?What does my templates look like?What if my question is not answered here?I don't a reservation system, can you help me?Where do I find help for OTA Tour Management?