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e-Bridge Cloud

e-Bridge Cloud is an online application loaded onto your website, providing you with a Reservation Management System (RMS), Online Booking Engine (OBE) and Facebook application for your Facebook Page.

  • Low cost cloud solution
  • Manage your own business with a powerful Reservation Management Software (RMS) suite
  • Facebook booking application direct to RMS
  • Website online booking direct to RMS
  • Connect to multiple OTA channels
  • Low annual licencing fee
  • Get paid immediately - Cash or Online payment gateway
  • Modular to expand with your business
e-Bridge Cloud is a secure low cost cloud hosted solution for the travel industry. It allows a booking engine to be placed on your website or Facebook and have it directly connected to a reservation database in your hosted solution for real time availability and adds reservations immediately after a booking is made.

Why is e-Bridge Cloud different?

With a real time direct connectivity, it reduces the double entry of uploading rates and content and downloading of bookings. No duplication means saving precious time and money by eliminating the chance of double or over booking from your own online channels. e-Bridge Cloud does not charge any transaction fees or commissions for bookings made. It can be connected to a wide selection of payment gateways currently available in the market.