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Golf FAQ

How much does the e-Bridge Cost?

What is the difference between First Purchase and Basic Top Up?

How many tokens does my business need?

How is my website hosted?

Is there a sign up or set-up fee?

Does e-Novate store my transaction history?

Who collects the transaction payments?

Does e-bridge offer an Option/TTL date?

What is the expiration period of the top-up credit?

How is the mark up procedure being done?

What payment gateways are currently accepted?

Do I get my credit back if the booking is cancelled?

Where do I purchase additional transaction credit packs?

What if my question is not answered here?

Where do I find help for OTA Golf Management?

  • How much does the e-Bridge cost?

    ANSWER: The e-Bridge charges are by fixed by region. The minimum commitment is based upon the number of transactions. A transaction is defined as a per player tee time. Example 4 players in a flight uses 4 transaction credits .


  • What is the difference between First Purchase and Basic Top Up?

    ANSWER: In most cases the First Purchase and the Basic Top Up the same price. Unused credits are automatically extended to be the expiry of the newest purchase, so in the case of small hotels, this package provides a way to extend the expiry of any unused credits, or provide the ability to topup for peak periods..

  • How many tokens does my business need?

    ANSWER: One only token is required per business.

  • How is my website hosted?

    ANSWER: e-Novate will host the website, in the form https://mnl.e-bridgedirect.com/golfweb/?id=<yourclub> Or, if you have a website already, then e-Novate will provide a link to the booking engine which can be loaded onto your existing webpage. If you have a domain - www.myclub.com, this can be redirected to use the default e-bridge website e-Novate will not cover the costs of registering your private website domain name.

  • Is there a sign up or set-up fee?

    ANSWER: There are no sign up or set-up fees for Golf Clubs or Operators.

  • Does e-Novate store my transaction history?

    ANSWER: e-Novate does NOT store any transaction history of its clients for security measures. This ensures that your private customer data is only visible to you and nobody else.
    e-Novate does however store the booking reference number to allocate used transaction credits.

  • Who collects the transaction payments?

    ANSWER: The payments are collected directly by either the travel agents or the suppliers (based on their agreements). e-Novate does not collect any transaction payments from the traveler/buyer.

  • Does e-bridge offer an Option/TTL date?

    ANSWER: The Option date or Time to live before the booking is auto cancelled depends on the club accepting the booking. Where payment is required at time of booking this does not apply. The e-Bridge transmits the messages directly between the Golf Club and the agent, the e-Bridge does not copy or hold the bookings or inventory. If the Golf Reservation Management System supports TTL and buyers purchase order system records the TTL date, then the e-Bridge can pass it.

  • What is the expiration period of the top-up credit?

    ANSWER: 12 months from the time of purchase.

  • How is the mark up procedure being done?

    ANSWER: The mark up really depends on the Travel Agency. The invoice generated from the e-XO engine can be edited to put a mark-up prior to sending out to the customer.

  • What payment gateways are currently accepted?

    ANSWER: We currently have PayPal, AsiaPay, Authorize.Net built into our booking engine and it can be linked into the e-XO and a Singapore payment gateway. We are more than happy to integrate additional gateways. Kindly nominate to us your preferred gateways.

  • Do I get my credit back if the booking is cancelled?

    ANSWER: The booking fee for an e-Bridge transaction is at an extremely low rate. Bookings made and cancelled via the e-Bridge are reversed automatically and are free. Bookings made via the e-Bridge but cancelled manually are subject to a 1 credit charge minimum. Like a pre-paid mobile phone initial flag fall, you are charged for the booking action and this is non-refundable.
    Unforeseen circumstances can be raised and these will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  • Where do I purchase additional transaction credit packs?

    ANSWER: Kindly sign-in with your credentials at www.e-bridgedirect.com to purchase transaction credit packs .

  • What if my question is not answered here?

    ANSWER: Please contact e-Novate at sales@e-novate.asia for any other questions

  • Where do I find help for OTA Golf Management?

    ANSWER: OTA Golf Management is an opensource project and can accept user contributions. There are Sourceforge OTA Golf discussion boards and e-Novate has created a Youtube channel with practical how to videos to help you.